Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Happy surprise anniversary

It has been awhile since I danced last but Megan was very forgiving when I stepped on her toes

Dot was thrilled when Conner came up and asked if she would like to dance
Amy said we looked like we were enjoying ourselves,,,,you know what??? We were
Hello...let me introduce you to our crew Megan and Conner are the 10 year olds standing in the back. Stockton (standing) will be 8 , he was our favorite waiter. Zander is sitting on Dot's lap and Garrett is sitting on on mine.

Amy, our oldest daughter, invited us over to join them for dinner last night. Little did we know it was a special dinner to help us celebrate our 33rd anniversary. Actually, our anniversary was last month but we spent the special day watching Amy's children while she was having a wonderful time with her husband on a cruise. They felt guilty for having us do this for them so they organized the special dinner for us. It was a complete surprise!! The boys greeted us at the door with their suits on and ushered us to our table which had candle light and roses. It was a hoot but also very cute to see them with cloths placed over their arms as they tried their best to be professional waiters. They were careful to download many of my favorite songs onto their ipod and were very attentive while we ate our dinner. Niel...our compliments to the chef.
After 33 years of married life we both consider our family to be the greatest blessing of our life. Thanks guys for making this belated anniversary celebration our best ever.


Amy said...

We had such a great time having you over! The kids had a great time serving you.
I mostly just wanted to tell you how much I love both you and mom. You are incredible parents!!! Thanks for your continued support, love, and help through the many years. 33 years together is incredible. Congrates!!

Angela said...

These are the moments why I very much miss living by everyone. I would have loved to have been there and helped out with the festivities.
I too am very thankful for such wonderful parents. I have been seeing many situations lately where I just can't believe what parents will do to their own children...even adult children.
Anyway, thanks! I have learned from the BEST!

Lori Buhr said...

What a wonderful surprise! Arent' families the best?!

Tevye said...

What an awesome anniversary celebration! How does one apply to be on Dancing With the Stars? If Marie can do it...