Sunday, July 6, 2008

Doctor visit

As a follow up to the last post, an appointment was made to have a general checkup with Dr Donesky, the family doctor, to have him give a report on Dennis. It was his opinion that Dennis might have had a slight bout with polio and that was the reason his body was looking different than normal. The symptoms did not mirror the usual effects of polio though, so Dr Donesky suggested that Mom and Dad take Dennis to see a specialist in childhood diseases. This was something that did not happen until many months later. As the specialist looked at Dennis he was able to make a fast diagnosis and told Dad that polio would have been preferable to the disease Dennis actually did have. He named the disease and the prognosis to Mom and Dad for the rest of Dennis's short life. He said that Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy would continue to make Dennis more and more weak and that he would probably die before the age of 18. Mom and Dad shared the news of what disease Dennis had but did not pass on the prognosis to us and we went on with our lives.

1 comment:

Brooke said...

Ha, ha! I made a comment before anyone!!

I do remember these experiences told by you dad. I can't imagine going through a trial like Dennis did. And I can't imagine seeing my sisters go through trials like Dennis. You are an amazing brother.