Sunday, April 6, 2008

Why is it these things happen on a monthly basis????

Dot and I went to the local Hales Center Theater to use our season pass to view the latest production this past week. I arrived just barely in time to be seated so I had no time to run to the men's room. It was a long (but enjoyable) production. When it was time for intermission I had no urge to use the restroom so I did not make a bathroom visit and sat excitedly in my seat to await the final acts which were entertaining and comical. When the lights came up I strongly had the urge to go use the restroom so I did a quick jog hoping there would be only a short line requiring no waiting!!! It was a blessed moment as I found I was the ONLY one in the mens room so I quickly finished the job I had jogged in to do. Whew, relief. I walked over to the sink to wash my hands and found that no matter how far up I pulled on the hot water knob there was no water in that pipe. I turned my attention to the cold water knob and pulled up on it with equal gusto thinking it might need to be full throttle to get any water out...big mistake. It was as if all the water pressure for two knobs were condensed in the cold water pipe. The sudden blast of water sent water spouting down into the sink and then splashing out of the basin, drenching me quite thoroughly.
When I put my coat on it covered up my wet shirt quite nicely but it was very much apparent by looking at my pants that I APPARENTLY hadn't gotten to the toilet in time to take care of my bodily functions.
Oh well, what's a guy to do? Being the end of the show, most everyone was already out in the parking lot trying to leave the area. There were only three ladies who got a look at my wet pants. I can tell you for the most part they didn't raise their eyes up to my face so they'll never recognize me again anyway..............


Brooke said...

I love your stories and your reactions. You are so meek and mild. Your blogger name fits you well. Too bad you didn't have the camera so you could post a picture.

melanie said...

ha ha! great story...

Heather said...

Been there, done that...much funnier when it happens to someone else...hee, hee, hee. I love your stories!

Amy said...

Did mom see that? I bet she rolled her eyes and jumped in the car quickly. It is a good thing you waited until the end of the play. LAUGH!

Angela said...

HaHa! That is ranked up there with my embarrassing sophmore prom night...I went in the boys bathroom and didn't realize it until I was in the stall looking at mens shoes in the stall next to me!!