Friday, April 4, 2008

Creating My Own Bad Karma

The Mancos River almost flowed through our back yard when we lived at the Elliott house. It was a very short walk to the bridge just south of the house and we loved to spend time playing in and around the water. One of our favorite activities was to find an assortment of empty beer cans and beer bottles for our rock throwing contests. After finding a goodly amount of cans and bottles we would stack up probably 10 times as many rocks on both sides of the bridge as we readied ourselves for the the bombing game.
We would take a can or a bottle and heave it as far up stream as we could from our perch on the bridge and then we would start hurling our rocks at the small floating object as if we were trying to sink an enemy ship. As the bottle or can bobbed and floated down the river towards us we had those rocks just a flying as we pretended we were bombers. Sometimes they'd sink fast, far up stream due to a direct hit. Some times they would sink on their own simply because they had taken on too much water to stay afloat. Other times they would survive completely even after having passed by us under the bridge, slipping away from all the flying rocks that were being thrown from the down river side of the bridge as they sailed safely down the Mighty Mancos River away from us.
Still, there were times when we wanted to enjoy the coolness of the water on a hot summer day and venture out into the water with sticks or just to flail our hands and sit in the current. On one such outing while wading across the rocks and feeling the cold water flow past my legs I became a victim of my bombing expertise. I felt the sudden sharp sting of something poking into my foot. As I jerked my foot out of the water I could see the instant dropping of blood falling back into the river and quickly dispersing as it flowed away. I made a quick plunge of my hand back into the water to see what the green colored object was that caused my cut... You guessed it... A broken beer bottle that most likely fell to the bottom of the river after I had broken it with one of my best throws. It was the first time I remember seeing such a goodly flow of blood out of my body. I had just become a victim of my own bad karma.

1 comment:

Lori Buhr said...

So, what did you do? Did you need stitches, how did you get home? I hate blood, especially my own, but it is usually through my own stupidity or negligance that I bleed. Bad Karma is right!