Thursday, December 6, 2007

Happy Birthday Angela

Angela is our youngest daughter and was our Christmas present twenty seven years ago. I remember the hospital having little, baby sized Santa caps that were put on all the little bundles of joy that were born that day and Angela looked very angelic as she made her entrance into our lives. There was one particular day the girls were half heatedly trying to get me to tell them which of the three was my favorite daughter. (I'm not sure if they'll remember the moment) I assigned each into a category and said each was my favorite. For Angela I said, "You are my favorite youngest daughter" to which Angela replied while rolling her eyes, "Dad, I am your ONLY youngest daughter".
Angela's birthday is coming up this week. I'd like to remind her again that she is my favorite youngest daughter and tell you some of the things that makes her so special to me.
Ang desires so strongly to be a good mother to Arianna, and she is. If there is one thing the world needs badly today it is more good mothers. Ang is considerate and looks for ways to help others in their lives and bless them. She is concerned for her sisters. I can't tell you how many times in conversation with Angela she has said she was so concerned for them and the trials and situations they were going through. She has often said she wished there was something more she could do than she had already done, when the truth is she had done more for her sisters than I had done as a father. I love that about Ang. Angela is a worrier and at times that drives me nuts. The truth is, that while I am doing almost nothing assuming and hoping things will work out fine, Ang is busy doing things to make sure they indeed, do turn out fine.
When we finally realized Angela would be our last child I made a concerted effort to be a better father to all my daughters, so to Angela this day I want to say thanks for being my daughter and bringing so much happines and joy into my life....Happy birthday to you


Amy said...

It is very true! Any time in my life I have struggled, my little sister has been by my side. I love you Ang! Happy Birthday!!!

Angela said...

My dad has made me sound "better" than what I really am. I will say, if it weren't for my family while growing up, I wouldn't be the person I am today though!
So thanks to you Dad, mom, Amy and Brooke. I have had GREAT teachers in my life.


Rick...the meek and mild said...

Oh...and can I say I admire her humility. Drop a note of what you love/admire about her as well

The Betitas said...

Oh! I love Ang! Thanks for that:)Ang! I miss you.