Thursday, January 31, 2008

A blessed man

Birthday time is coming up for Brooke on the third. As I look back on my life I will admit that my daughters have given me great joy and satisfaction. Brooke is our second daughter and has been a bundle of energy from day one. Well, maybe after she learned to start talking and walking. Brooke has such a love for people and for animals. For those of you who know my feelings about animals, you should know I am envious for the empathy and concern Brooke has for all creatures. Brooke has such a bubbly personality and uplifting character that I can't help but be proud to be her father when all who know her say they consider her to be an example to them of how to all types of people should be treated. Brooke, I love you and hope your birthday is wonderful.
All you others can add a post for her now..........


Brooke said...


You are so nice!! I get a good part of my personality from you. The animal lover in me must come from mom.

Thanks for being my dad! I wouldn't be the person I am today without you and mom!! Love you both! Love, BRooke

Angela said...

I totally laughed at this discription of is to the tee!
I have always wanted to be more outgoing and friendly as Brooke has been. I just can't measure up!!
Brooke, you have been a GREAT older sister to me and for that I am so thankful. Happy Birthday!

Love Ang

bob said...

Happy birthday Brooke on the 3rd! i love you so much. im lucky to have you as my cousin... and my good good friend :)

Rachel Dean

The Betitas said...

Brooke is truely an amazing person. Always there to make a sista feel good:)

Amy said...

Oh... there are so many great stories to tell about Brooke. But nearly every story has a good laugh at the end. I love that about her. Being around her brightens my day. I am very blessed to have her in my life... and even more spoiled then most because I get to see her so often. Love you Brooke!!!

Lori Buhr said...

Brooke! You're the best! (As Uncle Vic would say). Sorry I missed your day, not feeling too well on Sunday, but I hope it was as great as you are. It is such a blessing to be able to see you...which I will again on Saturday! Hooray!