Sunday, January 20, 2008

Excitement I Don't Remember/2

(If you missed the story of my finger and the chiropractor you'll want to go back and read that to appreciate this follow up post today)
After my hand had sufficiently healed, I decided I wanted to be a helper with Mom once again and do everything I could to help her make a batch of cookies. I was standing on a stool that had been placed next to the counter where all the baking ingredients awaited my helpful hands. I have always had a small body and short arms so I had to lean forward to get to a knife I was hoping to use. As I leaned forward, the laws of physics once again kicked into motion. My legs pushed the stool backwards away from my body which kicked in the law of gravity. This pulled my body downward causing me to hit my forehead on the counter with a big thud. My legs, now being freed from the stool, made a forward flight to the drawers and stopped there. Naturally, the top part of my body wanted to follow the stool, causing me to throw back my arms in an effort to catch my balance. This caused me to fall over backwards off the counter towards the tile floor. A body in motion tends to stay in motion until acted upon by another source. My body stopped falling as soon as it hit the tile floor, with the back of my head taking the brunt of the landing.
Mom reacted as quickly as she could, but was not near fast enough to save me from all these laws of physics that had acted upon me. The medical result from all this was that I had rendered myself unconscious. Mom thought I was dead when I didn’t move at all and yelled for her mother, Grandma Matlock, to come save us both. When the two of them checked me out they thought I was not breathing so Grandma Matlock came to the same conclusion as Mom, that I must be dying and action had to be taken.
Well, I was a child before CPR had been discovered, so rather than blow air into my lungs, the thought came into Grandma’s head that if she grabbed me by my heels and spun me around in a circle the blood would flow to my brain and I would regain consciousness. Before she could even think through the usefulness of this maneuver I was up in the air being spun around by my feet. After two circles she put me down to see if I was back to normal……..I wasn’t. I was still out cold, so it was decided it was time to go see Doctor Chiropractor again.
I was quickly bundled up and hauled to the doctor’s office and he commenced to decide if he had the proper talents to rectify the present medical problem I found myself in. After a very short look at me he said I was beyond his help and I needed to be taken to the hospital with all the speed Mom and Grandma could muster.
The closest hospital at the time was in Durango, so off we started for the 40 mile drive over the curves and hills. All the while it appeared I wasn’t breathing, but my color was still mostly natural so no one knew how close I was to death.
As might be expected, the drive seemed to last forever to Mom and Grandma, but being a child and in a coma it was not a worry for me. Of course, the fact that I’m sharing this story with you tells you I survived the drama of the day. Mom says I finally fluttered my eyes and regained some consciousness as she was carrying me through the parking lot and a few raindrops hit my face to help bring me back from my hour long, self induced nap.

1 comment:

Angela said...

I really laughed at the action Grandma Matlock took to try to revive you! I can just picture it.

I am glad everything worked out okay.
