Sunday, January 27, 2008

We weren't angels/Roadblock

One day we decided to build a roadblock Dean-boy style. It seems every place we lived there was a wood pile of discarded boards, many of which had nails in them. We got the great idea we could drag those pieces of wood out into the road and lay them end to end, all the way across the road with the nails poking up. After doing this we had planned to sit and wait until someone drove over the nails and flattened a tire or two. In our minds we could see this being a very funny event and had decided we’d laugh out loud at anyone dumb enough to drive onto our spiked road block. Victor, the oldest brother at age 9, Dennis and I strategically placed the nail infested boards end to end across both lanes of traffic and then went to our spot to wait for all the action to begin. We waited and waited and waited.....Unfortunately for us, or maybe I should say FORTUNATELY for us, Mancos isn’t a bustling town so no one gave us a chance to see if our clever plan would actually work. Not a single car or truck drove by. I remember getting bored of the wait and we moved on to some other imbecilic activity. It only occurred to me now that those boards might still be there…I don’t remember moving them off the road.


Angela said...

You told me this story when we went to Mancos with Grandma a few years back. Of course I laughed, but you were lucky no one drove over those nails. You would have been in serious trouble.
I am sure I would have seen you come in to Slate Canyon a few times if the laws were enforced back then as they are now days!


Rick...the meek and mild said...

Oh my!!! I really never considered myself Slate Canyon material but you just might be right...thanks Ang for always posting to these stories

Lori Buhr said...

You're lucky no one found out it was you who put the board down. You might have gotten a spanking with your own spiked board. Being the man of steel that you were I doubt it would have fazed you, however.

The Betitas said...

I think every kid dreams of fattening a tire or two with a good ol' rusty nail in a board!? I dreamed of it, but maybe its just a family thing....