Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Chocolate Wars

I remember one of my first sleep outs. I remember it being only Dennis, me and the stars....and our desire for chocolate milk. We flopped a blanket over the branch of a tree and put rocks on each corner to hold it in place. We now had our own little tent. Dennis excused himself so he could go into the house and use the bathroom. When he came back he had a tall glass of chocolate milk he had whipped together by putting chocolate powder into a glass of milk. I thought it looked very tasty and being a chocolate and sugar addict even at that early age, I asked Dennis if I could have a drink. His reply was something in the manner of, “If you want a drink, get it your self. I made this for me.”
I promptly raced into the house and whipped up a big glass of the yummy liquid for myself and went out to join Dennis in a good, long brotherly drink. By the time I got out to our sleeping area, Dennis had already finished off his drink. He asked that I wait a moment longer to drink my quaff while he went inside to get another glass and then we’d enjoy our drinks together. Upon his arrival he boasted he had used up the last of the milk which meant he was going to be able to drink twice as much as I did. Booo!!! No fair!!! What a blow to my sense of justice and equality! I was not one to believe such bad news, so after drinking our drinks I went back inside to see for myself. Sadly, it was true. All the milk was gone. I felt it a travesty I had been cheated of an equal share of a wonderful, chocolate treat, so I did what any creative child would do. I filled up my glass with cold water, added a goodly amount of Nestle's Quick chocolate powder and went out to show Dennis he had nothing to crow about. It tasted terrible (this is probably why I remember this particular sleep out), but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction of knowing he had more than I did.


Tevye said...

Happy Anniversary to you and to Dot. Must be, hmmm, about 34 years? 35? 33?

Angela said...

Ha! I definitely know I got my sweet tooth from you...thanks a lot!


Lori Buhr said...

You didn't mention the belching wars that were after the drinking contests. I'll bet those stories will be posted in a few weeks? They would go right along with your theme of "we weren't angels"!