Saturday, February 9, 2008

We weren't angels/Getting buzzed

There was one particular day I remember before I was old enough to be in school. I remember getting hold of the hair clippers Mom used to trim us up with and turning them on myself. As many children do, I thought I’d try my hand at being a hair stylist…I failed miserably! I started at my forehead and cut a swath from the top, left side of my head, taking out a goodly amount of hair. I looked as if I had started chemo treatments.
What is a parent to do with such a hair style? You have the choice of leaving it as it is, gathering giggles and the pointing of fingers, or you shave it all off, gathering stares. Mom opted for the giggles and left the wide, bald spot to grow back in as time passed. I looked like such an oddity that Vic decided it was a great time to take me to school as his “show and tell” object. I remember several of the girls giggling and saying I looked soooo cute. They rubbed their fingers on my new bald spot and laughed out loud at the feeling of the stubble. I wasn’t quite sure if I should feel humiliated or honored by all the attention I was receiving. I will tell you this, it did cause such a commotion that the memory of it all is still vivid in my mind after all these years. Just the mention of show and tell makes me quiver. I’ve never tried cutting my own hair since.


Angela said...

Haha! I would have loved to see you with a bald spot!


melanie said...

You have such a great memory of your childhood. Maybe mine was just uneventful but I do not remember that much about mine.

Rick...the meek and mild said...

Some people find it unusual I can remember so many things from an early age in my life. I think it unusual that they can't....go figure.

Lori Buhr said...

I hadn't heard that one. Everyone should be taken for show and tell at least once in their life, or they haven't really lived!