Saturday, May 10, 2008

Ronnie and diapers Part I

When we moved into the Bauer House (the era of stories I am now relating to you all) Ronnie was still in diapers. One winter day Dennis and I donned our jackets and went out into the front yard to revel in the newest snowfall. It had to have been a good storm as it left a snow depth deep enough that we kicked through it launching imaginary footballs up into the air.
As we left the house though apparently we left the front door ajar and Ronnie toddled out onto the front porch in an attempt to come out and play with us. We had planned for our little venture outside and were well dressed but Ronnie was in sneak mode and stood on the front porch with nothing more than his diapers on. We saw him immediately and started in with our brotherly duties of watching over him.
"Hey Ronnie, come to me" said Dennis from his spot on the south side of the lawn. Then he signaled to me to do the same thing.
I immediately saw the fun in wondering which of us Ronnie would come to in his near naked state so I echoed the invite, "Ronnie, come this way. Come to me."
I'm sure he was already shivering, but Ronnie got the biggest smile on his face knowing he was being invited to play with his older brothers. He turned around and started off the porch in his backwards, going down the steps mode and stopped immediately in his tracks when his bare feet entered the snow. He found himself up to his little knees in the snow and was quite aware that the diaper was not doing enough to keep him warm. He started crying immediately which was a warning to us that Mom would be appearing any moment so we both started our run in his direction.
Mom's have that radar sense that allows them to hear their children's bleating and made her appearance before we could get to Ronnie and help save him. I don't remember any thing being said to either Dennis nor I about being neglectful, but then again, Mom didn't know that we had made a game out of calling out to the naked one in an attempt to see which of us he would come to.

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