Friday, November 30, 2007

I told you so!!!!

Do you remember the moment you found out Santa isn't Santa? (Don't let your young ones read this....Ha!)
It must have been the Christmas Eve before I turned 8. Dennis must have decided it was time for me to abandon my childhood notion of the jolly old elf and told me outright, "There is no Santa!!"
"What??? No Santa??? Who brings all the gifts then" I asked?
Dennis replied quickly and to the point, "Mom and Dad".
I must have had a dumbfounded look on my face so Dennis just said, "Stay awake tonight in your bed, you'll see"
That night I had mixed emotions as the evening lengthened on and Mom and Dad were trying to calm us down and herd us off to bed.
Dennis and I had bunk beds. I slept on top because it was near impossible with his disease for Dennis to climb the few stairs up to the top bunk.
As we layed in bed that night Dennis kept whispering up to me to make sure I was staying awake. Staying awake wasn't a hard task as the great ponderance kept running through my brain..."Mom and Dad are Santa Claus? No reindeer?"...just a multitude of questions swirling through my
As we both layed there for a bit pretending to be asleep, I soon heard some footsteps shuffling our way in the dark.
"Ricky.....Ricky, you want some hot chocolate", it was Dad whispering to me very quietly in an effort to ascertain if I were asleep or not. When I didn't respond or budge he must have assumed it was safe for him to go onto his next task, which was getting into the closet right next to our bed. He clicked on a flashlight and as I slightly opened my eyes, I could see he was pulling gifts out which were destined to soon be placed under the tree.
As Dad quietly sneaked out of the room I could hear Dennis shuffling through his blankets in the bunk under me. "I told you so!!!" he muttered. When I didn't say anything he simply said, "I know you're still awake. I can hear you crying."


Amy said...

Oh ... that is such a sad story! I still loved it. Just don't let the grandkids read that one.

Unknown said...

I have read this story several times and every time I read it I feel so bad, I hate the idea that kids do that to each other.

Heck, I still believe! :-)

Unknown said...

I have read this story several times and every time I read it I feel so bad, I hate the idea that kids do that to each other.

Heck, I still believe! :-)