Sunday, February 24, 2008

Dumb Moves II

On the east side of the house in which we were living at the time was a tree I loved to climb in. The branches seemed to grow straight out from the trunk, allowing me to climb into the tree as if I were going up a ladder. With my slight build, the branches didn’t bend much even if I got out onto the outer parts of the highest branches. As I got better and faster at climbing the tree, I relished the ability to jump from branch to branch as if I were a monkey or a squirrel. I have seen movie clips where even monkeys can fall from their perches and that is why this particular tree climb sticks in my memory. I was in the upper most part of the tree and I started to fall. Whether it was from me trying to jump from one branch to another I don’t recall. I do remember the fall. As my body flopped downward from branch to branch I tried desperately to grab hold of anything to save myself, but I had no such luck. It was as if I were a pinball and gravity was pulling me to the bottom of the machine. As I hit the lowest of all the branches, I landed on it almost squarely with my face down and I straddled it with my legs and arms. This position only lasted a split second as my body spun there on that last branch and I found myself upside down, still straddling the branch. My arms were the first to let go. Half a moment later my legs parted also and I fell the remaining few feet head first and I landed in the grass squarely on my head. Most all parts of my body had scratches from the fall as I scraped against all the branches I had fallen through. I laid there momentarily, trying to decide if I were alive or not. My neck had such a pain in it from the final landing I knew I was indeed alive. This fall didn't deter me from tree climbing as I had a similar experience several years later while I was trying to showoff my tree climbing abilities for a cute neighborhood girl. They were both truly dumb, painful moments, even for a five year old.


Angela said...

5 years old? I think Arianna would be so scared to climb a tree. Pat is very cautious when it comes to this type of thing. I probably would give her a boost if she wanted to climb it...with me right there!


Lori Buhr said...

That must be why every other place we lived had all the trees trimmed so that small people couldn't reach the lower branches. I don't ever remember being allowed to climb a tall tree, but silly me I probably asked if I could. I know now that you don't ask if you can do dumb things, you just do them! Glad you lived through all your adventures and we are not taking care of you in a vegetative state!

Jen and Allen said...

I still think that Grandma’s Walnut tree was the best climbing tree around. Glad that fall didn’t deter you from future tree climbing experiences.